25 Apps and Digital Learning Tools to Boost Your Academic Performance

College life can be challenging and stressful, especially when you have to juggle multiple courses, assignments, exams, and extracurricular activities. Fortunately, technology can make your academic journey easier and more enjoyable. There are many apps and digital learning tools that can help you with various aspects of your studies, such as in-class learning, study planning, note-taking, research, writing, and more.

In this blog post, we will introduce you to 25 of the best study tools for college students that can enhance your learning experience and improve your grades. These apps and digital learning tools are free to use, but some of them offer premium features for a fee. You can download them on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop, and use them anytime and anywhere you need.

In-Class Learning

One of the most important study tools for college students is the one that helps you learn effectively in the classroom. Whether you are attending a lecture, a seminar, a workshop, or a lab session, you need to be able to capture the key information, ask questions, participate in discussions, and collaborate with your peers. Here are some apps and digital learning tools that can help you with in-class learning.

1. Office Lens

Office Lens is a handy app that lets you scan any document, image, or whiteboard with your smartphone camera and save it as a PDF, Word, PowerPoint, or OneNote file. You can use it to capture notes, slides, handouts, diagrams, charts, or any other visual material that your instructor or classmates present in class. You can also use it to scan your own handwritten notes and convert them to digital text. Office Lens can crop, enhance, and rotate the images to make them clear and readable. You can sync Office Lens with OneNote and OneDrive, and access your scanned files from any device.

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2. Notability

Notability is a powerful note-taking app that allows you to create, edit, and organize your notes in a variety of ways. You can type, write, draw, record, or import notes from different sources, such as PDFs, images, GIFs, web pages, or emails. You can also annotate your notes with highlights, comments, stickers, or shapes. Notability lets you record audio while taking notes, and syncs the audio with the text, so you can replay the lecture and review the notes at the same time. You can also share your notes with your classmates or instructors via email, Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive.

3. Kahoot!

Kahoot! is a fun and interactive app that lets you create and play quizzes, polls, surveys, or games in the classroom. You can use it to test your knowledge, review the material, or engage in friendly competition with your classmates. Kahoot! works on any device with an internet connection, and you can join a game by entering a game PIN or scanning a QR code. You can also host your own game by creating your own questions and answers, or choosing from millions of ready-made games on various topics. Kahoot! is a great way to make learning fun and social.

Study Planning

Another essential study tool for college students is the one that helps you plan and manage your study schedule. You need to be able to set your goals, prioritize your tasks, track your progress, and stay on top of your deadlines. Here are some apps and digital learning tools that can help you with study planning.

4. My Study Life

My Study Life is a comprehensive app that helps you organize your academic life. You can use it to create your class timetable, add your assignments, exams, projects, or other tasks, and set reminders and notifications for each of them. You can also view your schedule in a daily, weekly, or monthly format, and sync it across your devices and platforms. My Study Life also shows you your upcoming tasks, your completed tasks, and your progress percentage for each subject. You can also customize your app with different colors, themes, and icons.

5. Todoist

Todoist is a simple and elegant app that helps you create and manage your to-do lists. You can use it to add your tasks, subtasks, due dates, priorities, labels, or comments, and organize them into different projects, folders, or filters. You can also use natural language to add your tasks, such as “write an essay on Friday at 10 am”. Todoist also integrates with other apps and services, such as Google Calendar, Gmail, Dropbox, or Evernote, and lets you sync your tasks across your devices and platforms. Todoist also gives you feedback on your productivity, such as your daily and weekly goals, your karma points, and your streaks.

6. Pomodoro Timer

Pomodoro Timer is a simple and effective app that helps you improve your focus and concentration while studying. It is based on the Pomodoro Technique, which is a time management method that involves breaking down your work into 25-minute intervals, called pomodoros, separated by 5-minute breaks. After four pomodoros, you take a longer break of 15 to 30 minutes. Pomodoro Timer lets you set your own pomodoro and break durations, and tracks your completed pomodoros and breaks. It also gives you notifications and sounds to alert you when to start and stop your work and rest periods.


Note-taking is one of the most important study skills for college students, as it helps you capture, process, and retain the information you learn. You need to be able to take notes effectively, efficiently, and creatively, using different formats, styles, and techniques. Here are some apps and digital learning tools that can help you with note-taking.

7. Evernote

Evernote is a popular and versatile app that helps you create and organize your notes in various ways. You can use it to type, write, draw, record, or scan your notes, and add attachments, links, tags, or checkboxes to them. You can also use it to clip web pages, articles, images, or videos from the internet and save them to your notes. Evernote lets you sort your notes into different notebooks, stacks, or spaces, and search them by keywords, tags, or dates. You can also sync your notes across your devices and platforms, and share them with your classmates or instructors.

8. OneNote

OneNote is another powerful and flexible app that helps you create and organize your notes in various ways. You can use it to type, write, draw, record, or scan your notes, and add attachments, links, tags, or stickers to them. You can also use it to capture web pages, articles, images, or videos from the internet and save them to your notes. OneNote lets you arrange your notes into different sections, pages, or subpages, and search them by keywords, tags, or dates. You can also sync your notes across your devices and platforms, and share them with your classmates or instructors.

9. MindMeister

MindMeister is a creative and visual app that helps you create and organize your notes in the form of mind maps. Mind maps are diagrams that show the relationships between different ideas, concepts, or information, using nodes, branches, colors, icons, or images. You can use MindMeister to brainstorm, outline, summarize, or review your notes, and add notes, links, attachments, or comments to them. MindMeister lets you create unlimited mind maps, and export them as PDF, Word, PowerPoint, or image files. You can also sync your mind maps across your devices and platforms, and collaborate with your classmates or instructors.

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Research is another crucial study skill for college students, as it helps you find, evaluate, and use relevant and reliable sources for your assignments, projects, or papers. You need to be able to search, filter, cite, and reference your sources, using different databases, tools, and formats. Here are some apps and digital learning tools that can help you with research.

10. Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a free and easy-to-use app that helps you search and access academic literature from various disciplines and sources, such as journals, books, theses, dissertations, or conference papers. You can use it to find articles, authors, citations, or related works, and filter them by date, relevance, or publication. You can also use it to save your sources, create your own library, and generate citations and references in different styles, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago. You can also sync your Google Scholar account with your Google Drive account, and access your sources from any device.

11. Mendeley

Mendeley is a comprehensive and advanced app that helps you manage and organize your research sources. You can use it to import your sources from different databases, websites or files, and organize them into different folders, collections, or groups. You can also use it to read, annotate, or highlight your sources, and add notes, tags, or comments to them. Mendeley also lets you create your own bibliography, and cite and reference your sources in different styles, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago. You can also sync your Mendeley account with your Mendeley Web account, and access your sources from any device.

12. Zotero

Zotero is another comprehensive and advanced app that helps you manage and organize your research sources. You can use it to collect your sources from different databases, websites, or files, and organize them into different libraries, collections, or tags. You can also use it to read, annotate, or highlight your sources, and add notes, links, or attachments to them. Zotero also lets you create your own bibliography, and cite and reference your sources in different styles, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago. You can also sync your Zotero account with your Zotero Web account, and access your sources from any device.


Writing is one of the most challenging and rewarding study skills for college students, as it helps you express your ideas, arguments, or opinions in a clear, coherent, and persuasive way. You need to be able to write effectively, efficiently, and creatively, using different formats, genres, and techniques. Here are some apps and digital learning tools that can help you with writing.

13. Grammarly

Grammarly is a popular and useful app that helps you improve your writing skills. You can use it to check and correct your grammar, spelling, punctuation, or vocabulary errors, and get suggestions and explanations for each of them. You can also use it to enhance your writing style, tone, clarity, or engagement, and get feedback and scores for each of them. Grammarly also lets you set your writing goals, such as your audience, purpose, or domain, and adjust your writing accordingly. You can also sync your Grammarly account with your Google Docs, Gmail, or other apps and services, and use it on any device.

14. Hemingway

Hemingway is another helpful and easy-to-use app that helps you improve your writing skills. You can use it to check and improve your readability, simplicity, or conciseness of your writing, and get suggestions and tips for each of them. You can also use it to identify and eliminate your passive voice, adverbs, or complex sentences, and get alternatives and examples for each of them. Hemingway also lets you format your writing, such as adding headings, bolds, italics, or links, and export your writing as HTML, Markdown, or Word files. You can also sync your Hemingway account with your Medium or WordPress account, and publish your writing directly.

15. ProWritingAid

ProWritingAid is another comprehensive and advanced app that helps you improve your writing skills. You can use it to check and improve your grammar, spelling, punctuation, or vocabulary errors, and get suggestions and explanations for each of them. You can also use it to enhance your writing style, structure, clarity, or eloquence, and get feedback and scores for each of them. ProWritingAid also lets you analyze your writing, such as your readability, overused words, sentence length, or plagiarism, and get reports and graphs for each of them. You can also sync your ProWritingAid account with your Google Docs, Scrivener, or other apps and services, and use it on any device.


Collaboration is an important study skill for college students, as it helps you work with your classmates, instructors, or other peers on various projects, assignments, or activities. You need to be able to communicate, share, edit, and review your work with others, using different platforms, tools, and techniques. Here are some apps and digital learning tools that can help you with collaboration.

16. Google Drive

Google Drive is a popular and convenient app that helps you store, access, and share your files online. You can use it to upload your documents, spreadsheets, presentations, images, videos, or any other files, and access them from any device and platform. You can also use it to create, edit, and collaborate on your files with others, using Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, or Drawings. Google Drive lets you control your sharing settings, such as who can view, comment, or edit your files, and track your file history, such as who made changes, when, and what. You can also sync your Google Drive account with your Gmail, Google Photos, or other apps and services.

17. Slack

Slack is a powerful and versatile app that helps you communicate and collaborate with your team members on various projects, tasks, or topics. You can use it to create and join different channels, such as public, private, or direct, and chat with your team members, using text, voice, or video. You can also use it to share your files, links, or messages with your team members, and pin, star, or react to them. Slack also integrates with other apps and services, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Zoom, or Trello, and lets you use them within your Slack workspace. Slack also gives you notifications and updates on your team activities, such as who joined, left, or mentioned you.

18. Trello

Trello is a creative and visual app that helps you manage and organize your projects, tasks, or workflows with your team members. You can use it to create and customize your boards, lists, and cards, and add your tasks, subtasks, due dates, priorities, labels, or comments to them. You can also use it to assign your tasks to your team members, and track their progress and status. Trello also lets you add attachments, links, or checklists to your cards, and vote, watch, or archive them. Trello also integrates with other apps and services, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Slack, or Evernote, and lets you use them within your Trello boards.


Communication is another essential study skill for college students, as it helps you interact with your classmates, instructors, or other peers on various academic or social matters. You need to be able to communicate effectively, efficiently, and respectfully, using different modes, channels, and etiquette. Here are some apps and digital learning tools that can help you with communication.

19. Zoom

Zoom is a popular and easy-to-use app that helps you conduct and join online meetings, webinars, or classes with your classmates, instructors, or other peers. You can use it to communicate with others, using video, audio, or chat. You can also use it to share your screen, files, or whiteboard with others, and annotate, record, or transcribe them. Zoom also lets you create and join breakout rooms, polls, or surveys with others, and participate in discussions, activities, or feedback. Zoom also gives you options to control your meeting settings, such as who can join, mute, or chat with you.

20. WhatsApp

WhatsApp is a widely-used and convenient app that helps you communicate and connect with your classmates, instructors, or other peers on various academic or social matters. You can use it to chat with others, using text, voice, or video. You can also use it to share your files, images, videos, or voice notes with others, and delete, forward, or reply to them. WhatsApp also lets you create and join groups, broadcasts, or statuses with others, and chat, call, or update them. WhatsApp also gives you options to control your privacy settings, such as who can see, message, or call you.

21. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a professional and useful app that helps you build and maintain your network with your classmates, instructors, or other peers on various academic or career-related matters. You can use it to create and update your profile, resume, or portfolio, and showcase your skills, achievements, or interests. You can also use it to connect and communicate with others, using messages, posts, or comments. LinkedIn also lets you follow and join different groups, pages, or events with others, and learn, share, or engage with them. LinkedIn also gives you options to control your profile settings, such as who can view, contact, or endorse you.


Presentation is another important study skill for college students, as it helps you deliver your ideas, arguments, or opinions in a clear, coherent, and persuasive way. You need to be able to create and design your slides, scripts, or visuals, and present them with confidence, enthusiasm, and professionalism. Here are some apps and digital learning tools that can help you with presentation.

22. PowerPoint

PowerPoint is a popular and versatile app that helps you create and design your slides for your presentations. You can use it to add your text, images, videos, audio, or animations to your slides, and format, edit, or arrange them. You can also use it to add your transitions, effects, or timings to your slides, and rehearse, record, or narrate them. PowerPoint also lets you create and use different templates, themes, or layouts for your slides, and customize them. You can also sync your PowerPoint account with your OneDrive, Outlook, or other apps and services, and access your slides from any device and platform.

23. Prezi

Prezi is a creative and visual app that helps you create and design your slides for your presentations. You can use it to add your text, images, videos, audio, or animations to your slides, and zoom, pan, or rotate them. You can also use it to add your transitions, effects, or timings to your slides, and rehearse, record, or narrate them. Prezi also lets you create and use different templates, themes, or layouts for your slides, and customize them. You can also sync your Prezi account with your Google Drive, Dropbox, or other apps and services, and access your slides from any device and platform.

24. Canva

Canva is a simple and elegant app that helps you create and design your visuals for your presentations. You can use it to create your posters, flyers, infographics, logos, or icons, and add your text, images, shapes, or stickers to them. You can also use it to format, edit, or arrange your visuals, and apply different filters, effects, or fonts to them. Canva also lets you create and use different templates, themes, or layouts for your visuals, and customize them. You can also sync your Canva account with your Google Drive, Dropbox, or other apps and services, and access your visuals from any device and platform.

Personal Development

Personal development is another essential study skill for college students, as it helps you improve your personal and professional skills, such as time management, stress management, self-care, or career planning. You need to be able to set your goals, monitor your progress, and seek feedback and support. Here are some apps and digital learning tools that can help you with personal development.

25. Coursera

Coursera is a comprehensive and useful app that helps you learn and develop your skills in various fields and domains, such as business, science, arts, or languages. You can use it to enroll and access different courses, specializations, or degrees from various universities or organizations, and learn from their lectures, videos, quizzes, or assignments. You can also use it to earn certificates, credentials, or diplomas for your courses, and add them to your profile or resume. Coursera also lets you join and interact with different communities, forums, or mentors, and learn, share, or support with them.

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